Oh my stars yall today is the day I have been dreaming about for so long! It all started 8 years ago when an opportunity came to me to help plan events at a very popular wedding venue in Savannah, GA and of course I said YES! As a little girl I always said I wanted to be a “wedding planner” only knowing that was every little girls dream at some point (so was being an astronaut..at least for me.) but fast forward to 2009 when I accepted that opportunity and began learning the business, the ins and outs of producing such a beautiful day, learning about the back of house details and all the things that have to come together to create the BEST DAY EVER!
I quickly fell in love with everything weddings, of course we all love the pretty details that come together for a wedding but I was falling in love with all the amazing vendors I was getting to know and work with and of course the couples and their families.. they become your friends and the best part of it all was working so hard on all of the moving pieces and then being able to execute the end goal and see how it all comes together was mind blowing! If I wasn’t hooked before I knew at this point this was going to be my life, my passion and my happiness.
I spent 2 more wonderful years at that venue and then moved on to another popular venue that I have been at for the past 6 years… time flies, especially when you love what you do! Recently my husband and I experienced some life changing life moments that make you really take a look at your life and what it means and what you should be doing with your time here. I prayed, we prayed … A LOT.. and I finally decided that my dream to own my own event planning business was time. Simply Southern Events, LLC was created (insert freak out moment here) I once read that an unknown future leads to 2 reactions. Fear or Faith.. you choose. There were plenty of moments of fear but I also have a lot of faith and that is what I am going to choose. I cannot wait to pour my faith and love into this company and my clients and continue to work with the amazing vendors and people I have met throughout the years in this industry!
Thank you to my family, friends and past clients for believing in me and what I do and all the support shown along the way! I cannot wait to continue this journey and create memorable events that last lifetimes!
Here is to many new adventures!